TATLER ONLINE: Of Restless Mistresses… Caller ID & Hose-Down
It was bound to happen, really, and with the economic pinch getting tighter by the second the once-contented mistresses are demanding MORE! Are you clutching your pearls? If you’re the wife (or the offspring, for that matter) it would behove you to!!
Case # 1
First of all, there was the recent European vacay, the anonymous travel feature and the hose-down. Now there’s alas, the lawsuit from the hosed-down one.
Where will it all end? Your guess is as good as ours. Some are predicting that with the turning of the big 4-0, panic has set in as there’s no child and no ring on the horizon.
Case # 2
The mistress changed her status from ‘complicated’ to ‘in a steady relationship’ and then posted the pic on Facebook of her married lover at a recent Ochi event. The comments have been coming in fast and furious. There’s even one from the man’s daughter.
Numbers 1-10
You’ve heard of speed dial, speed dating and caller ID, right? Here’s a great twist. Check out the names that come up when certain phones ring:
# 1 Rent man
# 2 JPS
# 3 Groceries
# 4 Flow
# 5 Phone Bill
# 6 NWC
# 7 Clothes
# 8 Shoes
# 9 Handbag
# 10 Miscellaneous
À Bientôt
PS: Whew! The runaway bride and her children can now, thankfully, return to The Rock without fear of being arrested.