Feathers and Fedoras battles cancer in Ja
THE scourge of cancer places intolerable strain on both Jamaica’s health care system and families alike.
Cases of cancer appear to be on the rise and in many instances, is deemed to be brought on by lifestyle choices. Here in Jamaica, according to the Jamaica Cancer Society (JAS) it costs around US$170 million a year to fight non-communicable diseases of which cancer accounts for 20 per cent.
Make no mistake, cancer is on the rise in Jamaica. The last sample done in Kingston and St Andrew confirmed that the incidence of cancer in males stood at 188.8 per 100,000 and in women,144.2 per 100,000.
For most Jamaicans the cost of cancer treatment is prohibitive and many simply avoid screening or choose to ignore the disease because they just cannot afford the necessary treatment.
The stark reality is this:
*The cost of a visit to the doctor ranges between $2500 to $6000
*The cost of diagnostic imaging to confirm the presence and stage of cancer ranges between $60,000 to $100,000
*The cost of surgery ranges between $500,000 to $1.5 million
*The cost of radiotherapy ranges between $700,000 to $1.9 million
*The cost of chemotherapy ranges between $8,000 to $230,000
Because of the high demand for cancer treatment, a tremendous strain is placed on Jamaica’s public heath system which is extremely underfunded.
The JCS sees to it that every person who comes to it for a solution is attended to but that too is financially challenging.
To that end, Feathers & Fedoras a group of friends who have come together to help the Jamaica Cancer Society will be hosting a splendid do at the Regency Bar at the Terra Nova, St Andrew, with all proceeds going to the JCS to help it in its fight against cancer.
Feathers & Fedoras, a Great Gatsby themed party will be held on Saturday the March 29. Tickets are $7,500 and are available at the Terra Nova Hotel and at the Jamaica Cancer Society’s headquarters located at 16 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston.
A silent auction will be held during the event with prizes including, four-day weekends, at luxury villas in Montego Bay and Negril, a watch from Swiss Stores and a Gene Pearson Head.
Music will be provided by Alrich & Boyd.
Speaking from the Jamaica Cancer Society headquarters on Lady Musgrave Road, executive director, Yulit Gordon said: ” The level of cancer awareness has increased in Jamaica as a result of the programmes that the JCS has in place.We are going out into communities, addressing people at the corporate level, we are talking to the different service groups and we have more partnerships with the media. We have to be giving people as much information as possible about the disease and arm them with data about how best to look after themselves.The whole focus has to be on prevention.”
For more information e-mail Feathers & Fedoras at : jcsfeathersandfedoras@gmail.com