Jamaican Government planning to train more dispute resolution mediators
Government is looking to train more alternative dispute resolution mediators.
This, according to Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, forms part of plans to significantly reduce the backlog of court cases.
“The way in
which fewer cases can go to the courts is for us to use alternative dispute
resolution. Therefore, the Ministry will be pushing [for] the training of
trainers in mediation because we need more mediators across the island. I will
continue to go across the different parishes to ensure that, in every
community, we can resolve disputes in a timely manner… using alternative
dispute resolution,” he said, while noting that key stakeholders, such as lay
magistrates, have pivotal roles to play.
“We must [be
able to] show results… and for our local and international partners and all of
Jamaica to see results, it means that justice must be delivered in a timely
way,” he said.
The Minister
was speaking at a training seminar for judges and lay magistrates, dubbed
‘Train the Trainer Session: Lay Magistrates’ Court’, at Hilton Rose Hall Resort
and Spa in Montego Bay, St James, on Saturday, September 28.