‘Shock and anger’: Clarke disgusted by ‘evil’ fraud allegations at SSL
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Finance Minister Dr Nigel Clarke is expressing “shock” and “anger” at the multi-million-dollar fraud allegations at Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL).
In a statement late Tuesday, Clarke said: “Like all Jamaicans I am in shock, and feel a profound level of anger and disgust, at the alarming and evil fraud that has allegedly been committed at Stocks and Securities Limited, and which is the source of public discussion and anxiety at this time.”
READ: SSL fraud deepens
However, the finance minister noted that he has “great confidence” in the investigative authorities to unravel all aspects of the alleged fraud and “bring all perpetrators to justice.”
Clarke also sought to assure investors that Jamaica’s financial system remains strong.
“At this time it is tempting to doubt our financial institutions but I would ask that we don’t paint an entire hard working industry with the brush of a few very dishonest individuals,” Clarke said, adding “Jamaica is the leading financial centre in the English speaking Caribbean and we will do everything in our power to protect Jamaica’s position in this regard.”
Clarke’s remarks come against the background of a deepening probe into the multimillion-dollar fraud scandal.
The Fraud Squad and Financial Investigations Division (FID) announced on Monday that questionable transactions were being made on some of the affected accounts at SSL for more than a decade.
Stating that the matter is being treated with the highest priority by the FID, the Fraud Squad and the FSC, Selwyn Hay, the FID’s chief technical director, said they are not yet able to quantify the exact amount fleeced from the affected accounts.
Among the affected investors, sprint legend Usain Bolt earlier Tuesday gave the principals of SSL a 10-day ultimatum to return the millions of US dollars that he has been defrauded, reportedly by a SSL employee, or else face legal action.