UPDATE: Work begins on Spanish Town Road; it will take ‘a few months’
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Repair work has started on Spanish Town Road, particularly the stretch between the Denham Town Police Station and the entrance to Coronation Market, following protests on Tuesday over the state of the thoroughfare.
Minister without portfolio in the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, with responsibility for water, Matthew Samuda, was on site at the intersection on Tuesday where emergency works had been undertaken to fix sewage leaks.
“We will today be breaking ground between Beaston Street and Water Street on 580 metres of replacement pipeline, which will see 12-inch replacement pipeline being re-laid to remove the old pipes, that collapsed along this area,” he told Observer Online.
Samuda said the pipes which were “older than he was” were overdue for repair, at a cost of $80 million.
In a subsequent release, Samuda said the project forms part of the over $400 million being spent in the area.
“This project represents $160 million of the over $400 million being expended into this area. I wish to reassure the public that we are doing everything within our capacity to alleviate the discomfort and unsanitary situation being experienced,” he stated.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness said he had been advised that the work would take some time.
“Minister Samuda has assured me that they will start the works by Thursday, it will take a few months to solve,” he said during Tuesday’s sitting of Parliament.
While Holness was attending that sitting, taxi men who ply the route staged a protest, pulling back their services because of the deplorable state of the road and sewage settling in large potholes which they say has been causing health issues for pedestrians.
READ: We can’t go on like this
Samuda revealed the NWC has engaged two contractors who will undertake the replacement and installation of two segments. For segment 1, approximately 290 metres of 12-inch PVC sewer mains will be installed along Spanish Town Road from Water Lane to the intersections of Milk Lane and North Street.
In Segment 2, approximately 290 metres of sewer mains will be installed along Spanish Town Road from North Street and extending to the intersection at Beeston Street.