Wrong move, Mrs Kerr-Jarrett
Dear Editor,
Paula Kerr-Jarrett’s decision to impose her image on the Jamaican flag is only one of other serious violations by Jamaicans. The other violations are far worse. Her decision to put her photo on the covers of exercise books distributed to Jamaica’s young, impressionable, needy children is a cynical, abusive attempt to impose and embed her personal brand into the minds and hearts of Jamaica’s youth at their most vulnerable.
The likes of such action has not been seen in Jamaica since the British royal family imposed their images on the youthful minds of their colonial victims by having their photos stamped on the cover of every exercise book distributed to poor, needy, colonised youth for influence and control purposes. Now 50 years post-Independence, here comes Kerr-Jarrett re-imposing this colonialist tactic.
Thoughtful Jamaicans and I say to Kerr-Jarrett that it is impossible to believe you when you say the exercise books are just a reflection of your benevolence towards our poor and needy children. If the exercise books are only about benevolence, what in the world is your image doing on the cover? No wonder the demand has been great for the exercise books to be withdrawn, and we hope the benevolent Kerr-Jarrett has by now replaced them with exercise books that do not have her image. This way she can give away exercise books without the minds of our very young becoming warped.
Paul Jackson