Education and how we use the brain
Being ‘truly educated’ is having and mastering the art of using one’s brain to absorb, process, analyse, and interpret knowledge in such a way that he/she can determine those information that make perfect sense from those that do not, based upon the real world.
During our educational development for decades now, our minds have been surreptitiously invaded by those classified as ‘scientists, highly-educated, highly-credible, or most distinguished’, and were made to believe and accept that ‘facts’ are things that they endorse as being the absolute truth. We (the masses) are expected to hug up and practice those ‘facts’ right down to the last letter without asking any tough questions, even up to the point of those ‘facts’ making no sense in the real world. We are expected by those minority ‘scholars and scientists’ to speak, write, and reason about issues of importance to us, using logic published only by them in books and other media such as the internet; and we are forbidden to question the motives, practicality and relevance of their ‘facts’ in the real world. They are the epitome of knowledge and logic; and anything they say is a ‘fact’, we should just accept it and call it gospel over our own educated logic according to how we see it playing out in reality.
Based on the same discovery by scholars and scientists that human beings only use approximately one-tenth of their brain power, and about two-tenths for individuals considered geniuses, then that knowledge should be more than enough to prove that most of what they classify as ‘facts’ could very well be fallacious or erroneous. This is so because there will be no less than eight-tenths of our brain power that has never been used, and will never be used, according to scientific knowledge.
In percentage terms, this is clearly saying that human beings are ‘only’ able to use up to a maximum of 20 per cent of their brain power, but have never been able to use the remaining 80 per cent of their brain power. It is on this basis that I am saying unambiguously that ‘facts’, as some people adore so much, are simply a consensus among the small group of ‘scholars and scientists’ on how various information are to be concluded as being the ‘truth’ or ‘appropriate way’ for people to reason. They do not normally fall within what I call the ‘absolute truth’, which are ‘facts’ that are not subjected to any limitation, failure or error; and this is so because God has prevented us from using the remaining 80 per cent of our brain power.
Now, one would ask the following question: Why would God do such a thing to his creation? The answer is simple. He did it to protect and prevent the already ‘wanting-to-be-God’ scientists and scholars from seriously destroying the balance and order in his creation, due to their desperate and relentless desire to overthrow God. You can see this ‘God-like’ attempt in human beings when you focus on how scientists try to explain the creation of the world and its universe using their ‘Evolution Theory’, along with other ludicrous theories and sciences. I even saw a new religious group on Ian Boyne’s Religious Hard Talk programme on March 12, 2013, where the religious leader was saying that human beings on earth were made by alien human beings who are 25,000 years more advanced than we are. Most scientists and scholars are reluctant in accepting that they do not know the ‘absolute truth’ for God’s creation, resulting in them collaboratively designing their own ‘facts’ for the masses to accept as the ‘absolute truth’ for the various subject areas.
The world is filled with so much information and data from all these scientists and scholars, telling the masses across the globe that those are the ‘facts’ they should use in order to fix the many problems within society, yet those problems continue to be the sore point in our individual, societal, and national advancement and prosperity. Just take a look at our economy as one of the many examples, and you will notice that none of our finance ministers had been able to find the first gear in moving Jamaica’s economy in an acceptable upward trajectory for more than two decades now. Note carefully that those finance ministers, consultants, and Government by extension, have ample access to a plethora of ‘facts’ about what should or should not be done in order to stimulate production, reduce debt to GDP, achieve tax compliance, increase currency value, inter alia. However, what we are seeing to date, is a thick black cloud of economic stagnation, and frequent failures and sticking points in our Government meeting its fiscal targets and promised economic prosperity for our nation. Oh, remember those officials have always been saying that they are operating under the guidance of those ‘facts’; and hence, if we are to honestly take what they say as being true, then the miserable failure in the Government’s performance must lie squarely at the feet of those ‘facts’. Where else can the blame go, if we are not expected to accuse those Government officials of being highly incompetent, corrupt, or senile?
Everytime we the masses raise prudent questions or concerns regarding the effectiveness and relevance of those ‘facts’ that are serving more of a detriment to us in reality, cold water is immediately poured on our questions or concerns in a desperate attempt to muzzle the independent thinkers within our society. The scholars and scientists expect us to accept, treasure and worship the things that they classify as being ‘facts’, without first using our own educated logic in assessing the relevance or effectiveness of those ‘facts’. The most troublesome part of this is that the masses normally do not know these ‘epitome of facts’ personally, and have no concrete idea or comfort that what they publish as ‘facts’, are devoid of any form of clandestine motives to mentally enslave humanity for their own personal gain.
Nothing is wrong in accepting things that others publish as being ‘facts’, so long we do so after using our brains to determine the relevance and effectiveness of those ‘facts’; and completely satisfy ourselves that the individuals publishing those ‘facts’ are indeed worthy of our trust and confidence. If you find yourself in doubt of someone’s published ‘facts’, then you should never be afraid to ask all the tough questions; and if no plausible answer is forthcoming, then you should reject the parts that do not make any sense to you and work with the parts that make sense to you.
I am a fervent believer and supporter of education at all levels, since this is the gateway for individuals to enhance their intellectual capacity to think, reason, and analyse all the information floating in this world in order for them to achieve wealth and prosperity. Without education, individuals will be far more prone to mental slavery from those who are masters at manipulating information so that one will believe it is the ‘absolute truth’; and will use those masters’ ‘facts’ to their detriment without realising that those ‘facts’ are not the ‘absolute truth’.
I love science and technology gone to bed; but I simultaneously despise the mindset of most of the highly acclaimed scientists and scholars, because I realise that they normally end up wanting to be Gods with the vast knowledge that they possess. That is exactly why God prevented human beings from being able to use the remaining 80% of their brain power.
Garth ‘Sub-Zero’ Allen is author of the soon to be published book, Freedom of Expression
BOYNE … unusual claim made on his Religious Hard Talk programme