Run a new-day campaign
Dear Editor,
I will never forget watching the Obama Presidential campaign of 2007/8 and 2012, it was a lesson in political strategy, burying the archaic methods of yesteryear of how to win elections without maligning your opponent and denigrating yourself in the process.
It was sheer genuis, their use of technology and dignified personal touch in their campaigning.
This is the model the JLP leadership aspirants should follow.
Politicians should know by now that they are not the most loved anywhere in the world.
We are entering a new era where citizens are demanding higher standard from their leaders. Those who fail to adhere will be rejected by the people. Like in the movies, the good guys always win.
Do not attack each other, trust me you gain no kudos from the voters, convince the country which one of you is best suited to lead the country, to create economic growth, create jobs, reduce crime, create good health care, and can unite the party and the country .
Considering electing a party leader is equivalent to electing a prime minister, or one in waiting, it should not be placed in the hands of a handful of people.
Let the candidates agree to a live debate. We want to see democracy at its best. The country is tired of both parties having leaders and surrogates who continue to live in the past; who beleive that a leader should not be challenged.
Haven’t we learnt from the errors of the past? Could the chairman of both parties tell the country who selects these delegates who have so much power. And what is the criiteria used to select them.
The supporters of candidates must be careful how they attack each other, as we are judged by how we treat our own.