Advice to Holness
Dear Editor,
While there is no doubt that Andrew Holness is a mild-mannered man of steel, recent utterings by some of those purportedly campaigning on his behalf have left a lot to be desired and have the potential to tarnish Holness’s reputation as a cerebral leader, not given to frenzy, cass-cass and chacka-chacka talk.
As someone who has been impressed by his demeanour and leadership style, I have found it necessary to offer some public words of advice.
Mr Holness, your persona, other than being a handicap, is a feather in your cap, since the Jamaican electorate is weary of the tit-for-tat, one-upmanship politics that has dominated for the last 50 years. This style of leadership has done Jamaica little good. Jamaica needs action, not a bag of mouth. Our problems are well documented and enunciated; what Jamaica needs now is quality leadership to drive us forward.
Secondly, Mr Holness, give not yourself over to frenzy. In the heat of any political campaign the urge or temptation to illicit the support of political henchmen and foot soldiers is extremely powerful. However, I give you the same advice I gave to Golding on his return to the JLP: rid yourself of the excess political baggage, who may seem necessary in the heat of the campaign, but are hard if not impossible to control.
Needless to say, my advice was eschewed, and Golding fell victim to the same foot soldiers who helped him into office. Foot soldiers seldom make good policymakers, and Golding was forced to elevate foot soldiers to policymakers to the detriment of his Administration.
Andrew, don’t get caught in this trap, these foot soldiers and henchmen will remove your aura of decency. Be the master of your destiny.
Thirdly, Mr Holness, always remember ‘he who slings mud, loses ground’, therefore maintain the high ground at all times. Never descend into the politics of personal attacks, run a campaign on the issues at hand, always maintain your cool, give your opponent credit where credit is due, and the spirit of the ancestors will see you through.
Arlene Patterson