More pressure on the ‘little man’
Dear Editor,
The Kingston & St Andrew Corporation (KSAC) announced that the estimated 500 to 800 handcart operators (HCO) who ply their trade in the downtown, Kingston, area, must pay an annual registration fee of $3,000.00. Mayor Angela Brown Burke, who it was reported had not complied with the law and filed her annual financial report with the Integrity Commission, “repeatedly ignoring reminders” disclosed words to the effect that: “The decision was made to have cart operators pay this fee ($3,000.00) after numerous consultations.”
The opinions of bloggers to this newspaper to this announcement varied. Some think this fee is just; some think it is not; other opinions for or against were tainted with the usual JLPNP political
slants. However, it is instructive to note that HCOs “Soapie” and “Locust” had no problem with the annual registration fee, and neither do I.
My problem, however, is this: Why is it always the “little man” who gets shafted and have to pay, while the “big man” gets away with not paying their share of the tax and other burdens?
Mayor Angela Mayor Brown Burke and her consultants saw it fit to levy fees on the HCOs to operate, yet nothing is done to have the thousands of landlords and rental complex operators across the KSAC to register their rental property and pay taxes on income generated from these rental properties? How come?!
Recently it was reported in the news that a minister of government lived in a house he rented
from a member of the upper class for over a year and paid no rent. He later settled his rental to the tune of over a million dollars. What revenue did the KSAC or the Government generate from that rental transaction? Why the disparity? Why is there no equity/fairness in how the rules are applied?
Mayor Brown Burke and her consultants in the cash-strapped KSAC should move to have landlords across the KSAC register their rental properties and pay taxes. Better still, the JLPNP should pass legislation to have homeowners who rent and corporations that are owners of rental property across the country declare their rental property as such and pay taxes on annual income generated from these properties.
Now that “Soapie”, “Locust” and other HCOs are paying ($3,000.00) into the coffers of the KSAC, I fervently hope with this new recognition of the HCO they will not suffer anymore of what they say is police harassment.
Authnel S Reid