Crime is a wretched and wicked butcher
Dear Editor,
This very famous and powerful monster called crime is still making steady strides by leaps and bounds. This warlike giant has a strategic plan, which is aimed at directly wiping out Jamaica.
This wretched and wicked bugger shows himself in many different ways: left, right and centre. But among the ways in which this ferocious beast is ripping and tearing people’s lives to pieces is by knives
and machetes.
Have we ever turned our attention directly and focused on the large number of people who have already been butchered by the knives and machetes? This should be very frightening and should cause us to panic seeing so many precious lives being terminated as if they are animals to the slaughter.
The simplest thing nowadays is multiple stab wounds. The slightest little argument between some people results in a machete being stuck in a person’s flesh, resulting in serious tragedies. These useful weapons have their rightful purposes, but sadly some human beings are using them to butcher people at will.
It seems that truly the hearts of some people are getting more desperately wicked day by day.
Finally, the writing is already written plainly on the wall. We are still not serious and totally committed to fighting crime. Crime is like a gigantic mountain in Jamaica, bigger and higher than Mount Everest. No wonder we are running away from it.
Donald J McKoy