West Indies 'A' batsmanShamarh Brooks in action
October 29, 2017
Third ‘Test’ — West Indies ‘A’ vs Sri Lanka ‘A’
West Indies ‘A’ batsman Shamarh Brooks in action.
West Indies ‘A’ bowler Oshane Thomas prepares to deliver a ball on the third day of the third unofficial ‘Test’ against Sri Lanka at Sabina Park on Saturday. Umpire Verdayne Smith looks on. Sri Lanka ‘A’ won by 10 wickets to take the three-match series 2-1. (Photos: CWI Media/Athelstan Bellamy)
Sri Lanka ‘A’ bowler Shehan Jayasuriya delivers his ball as West Indies ‘A’ batsman Shamarh Brooks (left) and Umpire Verdayne Smith look on.
West Indies ‘A’ batsman Sunil Ambris raises his bat to celebrate his second hundred of the series on Saturday’s second day.
West Indies ‘A’ batsman John Campbell cuts a forlorn figure as he walks back to the pavilion after being dismissed.
West Indies ‘A’ bowler Oshane Thomasprepares to deliver a ball on the thirdday of the third unofficial ‘Test’ againstSri Lanka at Sabina Park on Saturday.Umpire Verdayne Smith looks on. SriLanka ‘A’ won by 10 wickets to take thethree-match series 2-1. (Photos: CWIMedia/Athelstan Bellamy)
Sri Lanka ‘A’ bowler Shehan Jayasuriya delivers his ball as West Indies ‘A’ batsmanShamarh Brooks (left) and Umpire Verdayne Smith look on.
West Indies ‘A’batsman SunilAmbris raises hisbat to celebrate hissecond hundred of theseries on Saturday’s second day.
West Indies ‘A’batsman JohnCampbell cuts aforlorn figure as hewalks back to thepavilion after beingdismissed.