Build a dam!
Dear Editor,
With the exploration of oil in and offshore Jamaica, the experts forecast that within the next three years we will know the future of oil.
The Jamaica Public Service forecast that by June 2019 45 per cent of its energy will be powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG). All those developments are good, but why not have real, cheap and environmentally friendly options for us Jamaicans?
We are the land of wood and water. Coal ain’t an option!
But what about water as our main source of energy?
China, Canada, Brazil and the US are the largest producers of hydroelectricity. The Three Gorges Dam is the largest in China and is the largest hydroelectricity dam in the world. Its capacity is 22,500MW. The main purpose of that dam is to stop flooding, hypro-power production, navigation, and tourism.
Why can’t we, in Jamaica, build a large dam that protects us from flooding? Why can’t we use this same dam to store water to counter drought and assist irrigation in agriculture? How can we be the land of water and have drought? African countries like Ethiopia, Malawi and Zambia have hydroelectricity as the main source of energy.
If we find oil, does that mean we have solved our problems? Venezuela and other oil-rich countries tell us otherwise.
I’ve seen where some experts here have shot down any suggestion of dams. But why not build a dam with the main purpose being hydroelectricity?
The Mona Reservoir and Hermitage Dam were built from “Whappie kill Phillup” days, we need more!
Teddylee Gray
Ocho Rios, St Ann