Jamaica Customs readies for Expo Jamaica
As part of its public outreach and awareness activities, the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) will be participating in Expo Jamaica 2018, slated to get underway from Thursday, April 19 to Sunday, April 22, at the National Arena, in Kingston.
Members of the public who currently interact with, or may interact with the entity, are being encouraged to visit the Jamaica Customs Agency booth and benefit from first-hand responses to their questions or queries by employees, drawn from various operational areas of the agency.
Visitors to the booth will also receive Customs-branded souvenirs (while supplies last).
Some of the areas to be covered include:
* Temporary imports/exports
* Motor vehicle imports
* JCA auctions
* Incentives for Returning Residents
* Incentives offered to manufacturers
* Clearance of personal items
* Allowances for passengers arriving from overseas
* Importing items for charity.
In the meanwhile, the agency takes this opportunity to remind customers, including those who purchase items on online, that non-commercial goods with a Free on Board (FOB) value, not exceeding US$50, will not attract Customs Duty.
“Free on Board” value means the price paid for the goods (invoice value), including the inland freight charges.
For more information, contact the Customer Service Team at the Jamaica Customs Agency at 922-5140-8 or e-mail: public.relations@jacustoms.gov.jm.