It’s not China we should be wary of
Dear Editor,
What’s wrong with a country, any country, in which its leader sees it fit to share the wealth from the resources of that country with its citizens, especially the poorer ones? Is that a crime?
It sure seem so, because this is why Nicolas Maduro seems to have the venom of the US — for which the US should be ashamed of itself.
The US is the country we should be mindful of. You cannot want to keep people poor and simply go into other countries and take away their resources and not give a damn about the poor of those countries.
It is not China who is destroying the Venezuelan, Cuban, and Iranian economies and allowing people in these country to die from lack of medicine and food.
Just look at what is happening in Syria, with Syrian oil?
Look at what the US has just done to the Kurdish fighters who helped them by sacrificing some of their own countrymen. The US has now turned around and thrown them in the lion’s den to be eaten alive, and the US president has said those Kurdish fighters did not help America in World War II and other wars. It’s wicked!
Why should Jamaica trust anything the US has to say in its bashing of China, Cuba, and Venezuela?
One wonders what message did the US Government send one of its top general to deliver personally to the Jamaican people and Government.
Jamaica better not take the US’s advice. Maybe the US may want to first clean its own house before telling others what to do.
I would tell all Jamaicans to be on alert. I also would say to the Jamaican people be prepared to have Jamaica ‘invaded’ with some kind of trumped up charges. Remember Panama with Manuel Noriega? And Iraq and Libya when all those leaders decided they were done doing dirty work?
Jamaica is over 1,000 gun murders annually. Most of the illegal guns involved come from America. When did America care about making sure that its guns don’t reach Jamaica’s shores, so that the people of Jamaica can live without the violence those guns bring?
Jamaica must get serious about the illegal guns coming from the US. The same way the US wants us to stop the scamming originating here, the US should stop the guns which originate there from coming to Jamaica!
Concerned Jamaican