Opposition reiterates promise to keep ‘close watch’ on gov’t
OPPOSITION leader, Portia Simpson Miller, reiterated Thursday that she intends to keep a close eye on the Government and its performance.
But in an obvious response to Simpson Miller’s charge, Prime Minister Bruce Golding, says he is laying the foundation to have both the Government and the Opposition watched by a wider audience – the public.
Golding said that the government plans to use the television services of the new Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica (PBCJ) to allow Jamaicans to watch activities in Parliament live, at all times.
He said that he also palns to provide state-of-the-art technology for Parliament to fully inform the public about its activities via the internet.
“Somebody said recently, ‘I am watching you’. I want to make sure that the people can watch us, all of us,” Golding said in a direct reference to recent statements by the Opposition leader.
Simpson Miller said that her side would look at the proposals made by the Government regarding their role in the new Parliament, but warned that the Opposition would not “quietly blend into the shape and colour of the administration”.
She said that was not the nature, or role, of an Opposition in a democratic system.
“A strong, healthy Opposition must focus on the administration like a laser beam. We must look for the loopholes and flaws. It must seek and it must use the available tools, as checks and balances. It must uphold the Constitution and defend the laws of Jamaica, and ensure that the rights of all our citizens are protected.
“This Opposition will be the people’s watchwomen and watchmen and we will stand guard over the public purse and the public interest,” she said.