The immutable God
HEBREWS 13:8: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.” One of the many attributes of our Lord is that He is immutable, which simply means that He never changes. The God we serve is not susceptible to change in either favourable or adverse circumstances. In every situation God remains the same God of love, wisdom, all knowledge, mercy and all power, He is always in control. He is never caught by surprise, He never becomes flustered or anxious nor does He have “mood changes”.
How very comforting to know that God can always be depended on to be always sovereign; nothing or anyone can dethrone Him! He is the beginning and the end, all things were created by Him and it is in Him that all things exist. Our opinions and disbelief do not change the truth of His existence, do not diminish or displace Him. He remains, as He told Moses when he wanted to prove God’s authenticity to the people of Israel, “I am that I am”.
I believe the words of the songwriter most aptly describe our majestic immutable God. “The God of the mountain is still God in the valley. When things go wrong, He’ll make them right. And the God of the good times is still God in the bad times. The God of the day is still God in the night.” When we not only believe but also know that these words are proven and true, there will be no room for anxiety because our hearts will be confident trusting in our immutable God.
Eternal Father, what a comfort to know that You are eternally faithful and sovereign. As a nation we declare that we will put our confidence in You and will trust You in whatever situation or challenges we may face. We thank You and love You for who You are.
In Jesus’ name,