Let’s hear from UWI
Dear Editor,
I am waiting to see if the history department at the University of the West Indies will produce any comprehensive study on Sam Sharpe, Bogle, Garvey or our history since adult suffrage.
Will the UWI in cooperation with the private sector be producing any studies or symposia on the development of agriculture, manufacture, bauxite or tourism? Will our celebrations be limited to the usual noisy public functions?
I am not hopeful when I know that it took four scholars to produce The Making of the West Indies in the early 1960s and we had to wait for Trinidadian PM Eric Williams, while holding office, to do the more serious Columbus to Castro.
Since CLR James did his monumental work on the Haitian revolution years ago, I have not seen any serious work except by an American, Madison Smart Bell, who did a wonderful trilogy: All Souls Rising, The Master of the Crossroads and The Stone That The Builder Refused.
Orville Brown
New York, USA