Utter nonsense
Dear Editor,
That any list would rank Lisa Hanna as the fourth worst politician in the world is utter nonsense. She is not a world leader, just a single minister in a government that has oversight for the running of the country.
The world in general does not even know who Lisa Hanna is as a politician. This is just one of the ways that social media spreads propaganda. Human rights violations worse than having children in general prisons are taking place in the world today, even in countries that call themselves democratic. Children are being killed, sold into slavery, and falsely imprisoned daily all over the world.
We don’t need to spread such nonsense, we have more sense than to believe this foolishness. If blame is to be put on anyone, let us blame all the other ministers of youth, as well, who have gone before and who did nothing to prevent this problem. They all had longer terms to fix it. This is not to say we don’t have a problem, only to say it could not be rated as the fourth most poorly handled matter in the world at this time.
These children were put into these prisons by the Justice Ministry for crimes the children committed. They were not put there by Lisa Hanna’s ministry. How is it that only her ministry is being singled out by local media and the youth-supporting groups as the only or primary one to be blamed? This has been happening for years under several different leaders. Now that it is obvious, from reports, that something is being done by a group of organisations/bodies responsible for such matters, instead of offering help there is this concentrated effort to belittle Lisa Hanna and her ministry.
Something seems fishy here, or as we say in Jamaica, “bad mind and grudgeful”.
Winsome Mowatt