ONLINE READERS COMMENT: ‘Rope in’ Damion Crawford Madam PM
Dear Editor,Eileen Powell
After listening to the midday news today (Tuesday, May 27, 2014) of a report of another outrageous outburst by Damion Crawford referring to JLP supporters as “dutty labourites”, I am forced to make an urgent appeal to you Madam Prime Minister to rope in this young man.
How much more damage is he going to be allowed to do before the well thinking members of the Government and the party stop him? I think he is doing a lot of damage to the image of this Government and Father Manley’s party.
I am so embarrassed and disappointed. This young man is not ready for prime time at all. Instead of being grateful for the opportunity and privilege to learn and develop as a first-time parliamentarian, he has chosen to display his classlessness, ignorance and arrogance time and time again.
I am sick to my stomach of the constant barrage of garbage shamelessly spewed out from this ‘yout’. Can we be spared from him for the next two years until he has learnt to conduct himself with the level of decency and decorum, worthy of the people’s representative?
It is shocking that he has been allowed so much latitude without any apparent restraint. Why?
When he came out two weeks ago lambasting the Jamaica Public Service in the manner he did, it did not look good and it was not good. Who appointed him spokesperson and why is he being projected as the face of the Government and the PNP?
He is no role model for his constituents. There is not much evidence that any education he has received is helping him to behave in an appropriate and acceptable manner. The thoughtless utterances recently from politicians are most alarming and scandalous. They are surely doing a good job of turning off decent people. Madam Prime Minister, you are not only PM, you are Mother of the nation. Some of the persons in Government need guidance, clearly. Guide them. I truly feel a little despondent today.