‘Andrew, better build it in Jamaica than buy one in Miami’
JAMAICA Observer online readers have weighed in on a story published yesterday about concerns being raised about the size of a house being built by Opposition Leader Andrew Holness. Here are some edited comments:
I don’t see anything wrong with him building a nice house. Did he tek any money that dont belong to him? Let’s come with something better than this, please. [Is it] because of Andrew’s house why the dalla [has] devalued and food price high?
Perception goes a far way.
Lloyd Scott
Whereas it’s quite legitimate for any politician on both sides of the fence, and public officials to be engaged in building massive stone edifices where they dwell, or intend to do such, is none of our business if the money earned to do so was legitimate.
People build and live their dreams how they want to. It’s a shame to see and hear the negative reactions, that’s gutter politics. If this house is built with questionable financial gains then I can understand the reactions, but if individuals want to build a ship from their hardwork then that’s their buisness.
Samuel Mckenzie
If the PNP is planning to use the building of Mr Holness house in their election campaign, I think it would be also appropriate for them to use the amount of money they use to fixed roads just for the visit of Obama, and the amount of money the NHT used to bail out people in a property deal.
Shellyann Bernard
What is wrong with the man building his dream house? Everyone has a dream to live in a mansion; he has his money; I don’t see anything wrong with it. People just badmind and am talking on both sides. Leave Mr Holness alone and mek the man live his life.
…Jamaicana love big house; it’s not a shame to have one.
I have no problem with the size or cost of the house as long as Andrew is using his own money. We live in a capitalist society. The problem for me is when politicians preach every day about the plight of the poor and how they are going into power to help the poor blah, blah, blah.
He should be made to show the source of every penny.
Pieter Crush
“From as far back as mid-2014 PNP insiders had admitted to the Sunday Observer that Holness’s house would be considered fair game in their election campaign.” Fair game? Whatever that means.
If the man is not scamming old Americans out of their hard-earned cash, not using campaign money, then I honestly don’t see a problem. If he earns that money legally, then who am I to tell him what to do with that money?
PNP thinks Jamaicans are idiots.
…It is full time poor people start to get wiser and ignore these charlatans. Kiss teeth.
$250 million!? No sah. That could build a whole community for some poor people.
1976 State of Emergency and Gr
Badmind a kill some people — straight!
DJjagga Lovestone
So meanwhile your building $250 million dollars house, teachers, police and minimum wage workers must gwan build dreams.
Not a JLP, but I dont see the big deal.
Politics is an untidy enterprise, isn’t it? One Love!
Wow, this is such a non issue and that it has been around for so long is evident of misguided pettiness. Or some good old-fashioned Jamaican badmind. It speaks volumes when not one concern is raised about the source of the funds and all the attention is about the size, construction material used and location of the structure.
Paul G
The meaning of leadership…and leadership in a desperately struggling economy like Ja’s eludes Mr Holness. Sacrifice and living within ones means should be the buzzword at this time… we would all like to live in grandeur, but should we do so at any cost? There is a massive disconnect between the leaders of the country and the ordinary citizen.
Top Shelf
2015 and Jamaicans are still insecure and scared of wealth. Apparently, socialism is dead. So what if a guy in a “huge” house leads the people? No wonder PNP keeps tricking these clowns.
Jamaican Thoughts
And in other news the dollar is sliding into a pit. College graduates can’t find jobs and have to migrate while those who can’t leave have to resort to all kinds of means to survive.
Millie G
I am no fan of Andrew, especially since he did what he did to Chris Tufton. But if he is using his own funds to build his house, and using the technical and other resources of his wife, why is this a problem?
So, what if the man is building a mansion? How does that — without proof of corruption being involved — affect the way I vote?
The so-called JLP ‘insider’ in this story is talking pure bull. And, I see this backfiring quite well if the PNP opts to use it as a campaign point. Doubt they would be so stupid.
Audley Mclean
Leave di man and his house, at least he is not trying to live in Miami or the South of France.
It is a fortress! What about the second development now in progress in the same area?
My favorite politician in the last 10 years is Pepe Mujica who left office as president of Uruguay in January of this year. During his tenure , he shunned the presidential palace and opted to stay at their modest farmhouse where he and his wife operated a floral farm. He gave 90 per cent of his salary to charity and was contended with the 10 per cent which was in line with the country’s minimum wage. He drove a 1987 VW, which has appreciated in value as it continuously attracts bidders.
I’m happy for the construction workers, as they usually don’t have work over such a long term. At least your house is here and not in Italy; and jobs were created here so that other Jamaican families could benefit.
Shirley Holness
I have feared that it would take this political turn. WOW!
sharon ewars
Focus should be on important stuff like the NHT board or the cabinet which is still going ahead with the MOU with the logistics hub even after the appointed committee that was to examine if it was feasible said drop it.
Mike jones
Wow!! now if that is the true cost of building his house it is shameful and a slap in the face of the poor Jamaicans which is 90 per cent of the populace. Some people cant even find food or bus fare… I am not sure of his accomplishments but this mansion speaks volume, and a slap in the face of hard working Jamaicans who struggle everyday just to get by.
It is fair to expect some explanation about the source of funds used to build his house since the amount seems substantial, but also to confirm that no public funds were used. If those are satisfied then who am I to judge how a man should spend his own private money. I might not personally want such a big and costly home, but that would be my choice. Jamaicans are known to build “mansions” on squatter’s land so what more can I say. As a public figure he has to carry the burden of the speculation and perceptions of building such a palatial home, but nobody should be prevented from acquiring whatever they want in life if they are prepared to spend their own money doing so. Better to build it in Jamaica than buy one in South Beach.
Harry Blake
This is nothing short of bad-mindedness, grudgefulness and hypocritical.