JaFEDCO charting a new course for correctional services — Charles Jr
KINGSTON, Jamaica — State Minister in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Pearnel Charles Jr has commended the Jamaica Federation of Corrections (JaFEDCO) for the excellent work it has been doing in charting a new course for the correctional services in Jamaica.
Speaking at JaFEDCO’s 8th annual general meeting held at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston yesterday Senator Charles Jr noted that the chosen theme and JaFEDCO’s vision for 2018 “Moving Forward with Renewed Purpose” demonstrates not only the maturity of the federation but the commitment of correctional officers to developing Jamaica.
“When we talk about security in Jamaica, we’re not only talking about the police force, or the army, we are also talking about the Department of Correctional Services. The theme you have chosen, therefore, not only details the federation’s mission but perfectly captures what is it that Jamaica needs right now,” Charles Jr said.
He saluted correctional officers for the good work they continue to do and called for greater communication, coordination and co-operation between the Department of Correctional Services and the Ministry of National Security to achieve the goal they both share — rehabilitation of inmates in the island’s correctional institutions.
“I want to commend the men and women of the DCS for the role they continue to play in building Jamaica. We know that the duty of rehabilitating persons who have not received equitable opportunities is indeed a difficult one, but it is a task you undertake on a daily basis,” he said.
Guest speaker at the annual general meeting, retired Major Richard Reese commended the federation on the dynamism and innovation that it employs in developing its policies and strategies. He noted that though the organisation is relatively young, it has made significant strides in the welfare and development of the over 2,000 correctional officers, including uniformed officers, civilian officers and probation officers.
Major Reece, a former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of National Security, as well as a former Commissioner of Corrections, mirrored Charles’ call for attendees to make the most of the meeting and noted that though the theme of moving forward with renewed purpose could prove to be difficult, with good people behind the cause, it could be achieved.