Trump is saying what Americans others won’t admit
Dear Editor,
The USA has blatantly demonstrated that it is a country that was built on racism, wars, and exploitation. Ergo, those Americans who are so furiously taking offence their president, Donald Trump, being completely honest about his personal view and analysis of certain countries or individuals prove to the world that they are indeed hypocrites who will not say what has been always on their minds. This is because they do not want to risk their super highway privilege of exploiting the very same people and countries they so claim to love and care about.
The African continent has 54 countries, most of which are blessed with the natural resources called gold and diamond, yet the countries on that continent are among the poorest and most destitute on the planet due to their own mentality of allowing countries from the West to mine all their resources without commensurate compensation. The result is the West becoming filthy rich while the African countries become extremely poor and destitute.
Haiti got Independence (January 1, 1804) from France over 200 years ago, but used their mentality to sign an Independence Agreement to pay France 90 million franc (US$21 billion) over 30 years to compensate French plantation owners for financial and property losses. This led to Haiti becoming so financially unstable that it found itself trapped in huge debts and ultimately poverty and destitution.
Finally, I hope we all can now see why US President Donald Trump is absolutely correct with his statement. Also, if those ‘moral’ Americans and politicians really love and care so much about African people, then why is it extremely difficult for them to pack their bags or suitcases to go live in any country on the African continent or in Haiti for at least five years?
Garth “Sub-Zero” Allen