Police deserve at least 20% in year 1
Dear Editor,
It is really unthinkable, indeed, appalling, that in these times the police have had to be fighting for a decent salary increase.
These are not normal times. Crime and violence have escalated to the point where murders and mayhem are the order of the day. The country has become so lawless in almost every facet of its life that law-abiding citizens have to be wondering what’s going on.
Driving on our roads has become a nightmare. The drivers are so unruly they break every road traffic law with gay abandon.
The people light the garbage dumps without thinking about the harm they are doing to other people and themselves.
States of Emergencies have had to be declared in certain areas of the country to bring about some semblance of law and order.
These truly are not normal times, and for any amount of normality to be achieved and maintained the security forces have to be constantly deployed and redeployed.
Now, any sensible Government whose security forces are constantly called upon to rectify and normalise situations should ensure that the crime-fighter get a decent salary increase — at least 20 per cent in the first year. This should be treated as a priority away from other government workers’ increase.
If necessary, rush a Bill through Parliament as quickly as possible The Opposition cannot oppose. The whole country would back the Government for such an action.
It certainly is downright stupid to have the police haggling for salary increase at this time when they all are needed to fight criminals and maintain law and order.
The Government needs to act now and do the right thing!
Roy H Wilson