Read this, MPs!
Members of Parliament, I’m just going to say it like it is, without the preamble.
You are obliged to:
1. Attend all sittings of Parliament.
2. Participate in law and policy making in Parliament.
3. Represent all citizens in the constituency to Parliament.
4. Provide communication about matters in Parliament to constituency.
5. Provide leadership in constituency.
6. Meet with constituents in scheduled public meetings.
7. Formulate a constituency development budget with a priority on major projects and negotiate with government annually for funds to finance it.
8. Tour the constituency on a regular basis and meet with citizens at the constituency office on a properly scheduled basis.
9. Uphold the law and act on all occasions in accordance with public trust placed in you.
10. Not place yourself under any financial obligation to individuals or organisations that might influence you in the performance of your duties.
11. Sign on to a code of conduct the obligation to:
. Reside in the constituency they represent;
. Shun political victimisation;
. Fight corruption in every way possible;
. Treat all citizens with respect;
. Respect your political opponents;
. Promote peace;
. Respect community leaders and encourage them to develop their leadership skills; and
. Maintain an adequate office with a secretary and helper.
Vernal Campbell is a past president of the Hopewell Citizens Association