After being invested with the Order of Distinction in the rank of Officer on Monday, Baron Stewart, seen here with his 96-year-old mother, Nell Stewart, and his daughters Natalie Stewart Nhambui (left) and Trisha Stewart Sanon, hosted a reception at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston. Stewart received the award for his dedicated service to building the local economy through entrepreneurship and community development. (<strong>Photo: Joseph Wellington)</strong>
October 18, 2016
PHOTO: Celebrating with Baron
After being invested with the Order of Distinction in the rank of Officer on Monday, Baron Stewart, seen here with his 96-year-old mother, Nell Stewart, and his daughters Natalie Stewart Nhambui (left) and Trisha Stewart Sanon, hosted a reception at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston. Stewart received the award for his dedicated service to building the local economy through entrepreneurship and community development. (Photo: Joseph Wellington)