Green living
Green living is an area that has many branches. It may be associated with conservation, recycling, sustainability, and organic food choices. As teens, it is very important for us to start the cycle of “green living” so that an example will be set for others to follow. Our surroundings are just as important as life itself, but what is “green living” all about? It involves simply making small changes to your lifestyle to make it more eco-friendly. Here’s how:
Get informed — In order to live a green life you must understand and know all that it takes to live green and the importance of doing so.
Take one step at a time — It would not be wise to try and accomplish a healthier and “greener” lifestyle in one go. One option is to begin with recycling, then gradually move on to bigger projects.
Projects that can be done by teens include beach clean-ups, recycling, and can drives. No man stands alone, so get friends and family in on the act.
What about having small crop plots? Planting crops such as tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, bananas, and peas help us to grow what we need. And let’s face it, the best foods are the ones from Mother Nature.
Be a green living advocate — Do as much as you can to make a difference. It’s time people realise that green living should be the popular way of life, and by doing so many benefits will be reaped.
Green living starts with you!